New version of the fleet management solution SiteAudit

The new version 6.8 of the fleet management solution SiteAudit ist available now. This version has some new feature which we would like to introduce to you.

New Features

  • New security columns added to Inventory for SiteAudit OnSite, Analyzer, BackOffice Services
    • Default Credentials - indicates if the system default credentials are used to communicate with direct-connect printers
    • SNMP Version - indicates which version of SNMP is used to communicate with a device, SNMPv1, SNMPv2C or SNMPv3
    • SNMP Credentials - indicates the SNMPv3 authentication and privacy attributes for SNMPv3
    • SNMP Community - indicates which community string is used to communicate with devices over SNMPv1 and SNMPv2C
    • Open Ports - identifies open ports on a printer that may pose a security risk
  • Major infrastructure changes intended to improve performance in Enterprise organizations and Hosted solutions
    • SiteAudit uses REST API for Hosted communications and eliminates the use of WCF firewall-friendly and high-performance transports
    • Restructure of discovery and monitoring behavior which vastly improves performance in large enterprise organizations and may reduce memory consumption
    • Restructure all WCF services to use REST include mail service, licensing service, etc.
    • Monitoring uses asynchronous APIs for scalability
    • Discovery Progress changes due to how discovery is performed will show only large incremental changes
    • Notifications have been separated from regular monitoring and is run on a 10 minute schedule
    • Change frequency at which various data is collected and evaluated. See Network Traffic Guide for details
  • Enable application settings for SiteAudit Compact
  • Improved view filtering capabilities

Counter Changes

  • Add support for Riso counters that include: Total, B/W All, Color All, Large, Color Large, B/W Large, Small, Color Small, B/W Small, Total Usage, Color Usage, B/W Usage, A4 and various manufacturer-specific counters that appear in Raw Counters and Device Details
  • Add support for Casio counters that include: Total, B/W All, Color All, Total Usage, Color Usage, B/W Usage, A3, A4, Other
  • Add support for Canon LBP devices
  • Update counters for Oce Nederland BV counters: Total, Color All, B/W All
  • Collect counters for future updates to Fuji Xerox and KIP devices

Consumable Changes

  • Map Sharp low toner value of "Some" to 5% to allow for consumable threshold monitoring of low level
  • Map Sharp waste toner nearly full value of "Some" to 98% to allow for consumable threshold monitoring of nearly full level'
  • Extract the serial number and part number for Samsung consumables

Other Changes

  • Removed Enterprise reports from Hosted and Server administrator viewers
  • Eliminate default usage of sleep mode algorithm
  • Eliminate the Service Tester tool which had been used to test various WCF services for Hosted solutions - Since version 6.8 and later use REST, this tool is no longer necessary
  • Modify event log data entries for troubleshooting issues
  • Eliminate Netaphor mail service usage for OnSite


  • Consumable data is now included with each notification alert. Information includes the following information when provided by the printer

Picture SiteAudit 6.8 Notifications

  • Update notification stylesheet used for alert notifications. This includes alerts for Expedited and Resolved notifications
  • Mail service for OnSite viewers is not valid. OnSite users must specify a mail server for use with notifications/reports
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